Interface SupercruiseDestinationDrop

When dropping out of supercruise at a targeted destination.

interface SupercruiseDestinationDrop {
    event: "SupercruiseDestinationDrop";
    MarketID?: number;
    Threat: number;
    timestamp: string;
    Type: string;
    Type_Localised?: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)

  • JournalEvent<"SupercruiseDestinationDrop">
    • SupercruiseDestinationDrop


event: "SupercruiseDestinationDrop"

The type of event.

MarketID?: number

Optional market id of the destination if dropping at a market.

Threat: number

Threat level.

timestamp: string

The time in GMT, ISO 8601.

Type: string

The type fo destination being dropped into.

Type_Localised?: string