Interface Bounty

Written when player is awarded a bounty for a kill.

interface Bounty {
    event: "Bounty";
    Faction?: string;
    Faction_Localised?: string;
    PilotName?: string;
    PilotName_Localised?: string;
    Reward?: number;
    Rewards?: { Faction: string; Reward: number }[];
    SharedWithOthers?: number;
    Target?: string;
    Target_Localised?: string;
    timestamp: string;
    TotalReward?: number;
    VictimFaction: string;
    VictimFaction_Localised?: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


event: "Bounty"

The type of event.

Faction?: string

Faction paying the bounty (when bounty is for a skimmer).

Faction_Localised?: string
PilotName?: string
PilotName_Localised?: string
Reward?: number

The reward (when bounty is for a skimmer).

Rewards?: { Faction: string; Reward: number }[]

An array of faction names and the reward values, as the target can have multiple bounties per faction.

SharedWithOthers?: number

If credit for the kill is shared with other players this has the number of other players involved.

Target?: string

Type of ship or target (if skimmer).

Target_Localised?: string
timestamp: string

The time in GMT, ISO 8601.

TotalReward?: number
VictimFaction: string

The victim's faction.

VictimFaction_Localised?: string