Interface Fileheader

The heading entry is added at the beginning of every file.

The first event in a new journal file. If the play session goes on a long time, and the journal gets very large, the file will be closed and a new file is started with an increased part number. See also the Continued event.

interface Fileheader {
    build: string;
    event: "Fileheader";
    gameversion: string;
    language: string;
    Odyssey?: boolean;
    part: number;
    timestamp: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


build: string

The game build number.

event: "Fileheader"

The type of event.

gameversion: string

Which version of the game produced the log (will indicate if beta).

language: string

The language code.

Odyssey?: boolean

True when odyssey, false if other version.

part: number

The file part number.

timestamp: string

The time in GMT, ISO 8601.