Interface SellExplorationData

Written when selling exploration data in Cartographics.

interface SellExplorationData {
    BaseValue: number;
    Bonus: number;
    Discovered: string[];
    event: "SellExplorationData";
    Systems: string[];
    timestamp: string;
    TotalEarnings?: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)


BaseValue: number

Value of systems.

Bonus: number

Bonus for first discoveries.

Discovered: string[]

Discovered bodies.

event: "SellExplorationData"

The type of event.

Systems: string[]

System names.

timestamp: string

The time in GMT, ISO 8601.

TotalEarnings?: number

Total credits received (including for example the 200% bonus if rank 5 with Li Yong Rui)