Interface Loadout

Written at startup when loading from main menu, when switching ships, after changing the ship in outfitting or when docking SRV back in mothership.

interface Loadout {
    CargoCapacity?: number;
    event: "Loadout";
    FuelCapacity?: { Main: number; Reserve: number };
    Hot?: boolean;
    HullHealth?: number;
    HullValue?: number;
    MaxJumpRange?: number;
    Modules: {
        AmmoInClip?: number;
        AmmoInHopper?: number;
        EngineerBlueprint?: string;
        Engineering?: {
            BlueprintID: number;
            BlueprintName: string;
            Engineer: string;
            EngineerID: number;
            ExperimentalEffect?: string;
            ExperimentalEffect_Localised?: string;
            Level: number;
            Modifiers: {
                Label: string;
                LessIsGood?: number;
                OriginalValue?: number;
                Value?: string | number;
                Value_Localised?: string;
                ValueStr?: string;
                ValueStr_Localised?: string;
            Quality: number;
        EngineerLevel?: number;
        Health: number;
        Item: string;
        On: boolean;
        Priority: number;
        Slot: string;
        Value?: number;
    ModulesValue?: number;
    Rebuy?: number;
    Ship: string;
    ShipID: number;
    ShipIdent: string;
    ShipName: string;
    timestamp: string;
    UnladenMass?: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


CargoCapacity?: number
event: "Loadout"

The type of event.

FuelCapacity?: { Main: number; Reserve: number }
Hot?: boolean

If wanted at startup.

HullHealth?: number
HullValue?: number
MaxJumpRange?: number

Maximum jump range based on zero cargo, and just enough fuel for 1 jump.

Modules: {
    AmmoInClip?: number;
    AmmoInHopper?: number;
    EngineerBlueprint?: string;
    Engineering?: {
        BlueprintID: number;
        BlueprintName: string;
        Engineer: string;
        EngineerID: number;
        ExperimentalEffect?: string;
        ExperimentalEffect_Localised?: string;
        Level: number;
        Modifiers: {
            Label: string;
            LessIsGood?: number;
            OriginalValue?: number;
            Value?: string | number;
            Value_Localised?: string;
            ValueStr?: string;
            ValueStr_Localised?: string;
        Quality: number;
    EngineerLevel?: number;
    Health: number;
    Item: string;
    On: boolean;
    Priority: number;
    Slot: string;
    Value?: number;

Array of installed items.

Type declaration

  • OptionalAmmoInClip?: number

    For a passenger cabin, holds the number of places in the cabin.

  • OptionalAmmoInHopper?: number
  • OptionalEngineerBlueprint?: string

    Replaced by Engineering object in newer version.

  • OptionalEngineering?: {
        BlueprintID: number;
        BlueprintName: string;
        Engineer: string;
        EngineerID: number;
        ExperimentalEffect?: string;
        ExperimentalEffect_Localised?: string;
        Level: number;
        Modifiers: {
            Label: string;
            LessIsGood?: number;
            OriginalValue?: number;
            Value?: string | number;
            Value_Localised?: string;
            ValueStr?: string;
            ValueStr_Localised?: string;
        Quality: number;

    Set if module is engineered.

    • BlueprintID: number

      The ID of the applied blueprint.

    • BlueprintName: string

      The name of the applied blueprint.

    • Engineer: string

      The name of the engineer.

    • EngineerID: number

      The ID of the engineer.

    • OptionalExperimentalEffect?: string

      The experimental effect if applied.

    • OptionalExperimentalEffect_Localised?: string

      Localised name of applied experimental effect.

    • Level: number

      The engineering level.

    • Modifiers: {
          Label: string;
          LessIsGood?: number;
          OriginalValue?: number;
          Value?: string | number;
          Value_Localised?: string;
          ValueStr?: string;
          ValueStr_Localised?: string;
    • Quality: number
  • OptionalEngineerLevel?: number

    Replaced by Engineering object in newer version.

  • Health: number
  • Item: string

    Module name.

  • On: boolean

    Indicates if module is on or off.

  • Priority: number

    Power priority.

  • Slot: string
  • OptionalValue?: number
ModulesValue?: number
Rebuy?: number
Ship: string

Current ship type.

ShipID: number

Ship ID number.

ShipIdent: string

User-defined ship ID string.

ShipName: string

User-defined ship name.

timestamp: string

The time in GMT, ISO 8601.

UnladenMass?: number

Mass of hull and modules, excludes fuel and cargo.