Interface ExtendedShipyard

Extended shipyard info written to separate 'Shipyard.json' file.

interface ExtendedShipyard {
    AllowCobraMkIV: boolean;
    event: "Shipyard";
    Horizons: boolean;
    MarketID: number;
    PriceList: {
        id: number;
        ShipPrice: number;
        ShipType: string;
        ShipType_Localised?: string;
    StarSystem: string;
    StationName: string;
    timestamp: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


AllowCobraMkIV: boolean
event: "Shipyard"

The type of event.

Horizons: boolean
MarketID: number
PriceList: {
    id: number;
    ShipPrice: number;
    ShipType: string;
    ShipType_Localised?: string;
StarSystem: string
StationName: string
timestamp: string

The time in GMT, ISO 8601.