Interface Interdicted

Written when player was interdicted by player or NPC.

interface Interdicted {
    CombatRank?: number;
    event: "Interdicted";
    Faction?: string;
    Interdictor: string;
    Interdictor_Localised?: string;
    IsPlayer: boolean;
    Power?: string;
    Submitted: boolean;
    timestamp: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


CombatRank?: number

Combat rank (if player).

event: "Interdicted"

The type of event.

Faction?: string

Faction (if NPC).

Interdictor: string

Interdicting pilot name.

Interdictor_Localised?: string
IsPlayer: boolean

Whether player or NPC.

Power?: string

The power if NPC working for one.

Submitted: boolean

Whether player submitted to the interdiction.

timestamp: string

The time in GMT, ISO 8601.