Interface Docked

Written when landing at landing pad in a space station, output, or surface settlement.

The "anonymous docking" protocol comes into effect if you're either Wanted (ie have a local bounty) or have an ActiveFine.

interface Docked {
    ActiveFine?: boolean;
    CockpitBreach?: boolean;
    DistFromStarLS?: number;
    event: "Docked";
    LandingPads?: { Large: number; Medium: number; Small: number };
    MarketID?: number;
    Multicrew?: boolean;
    Security?: string;
    Security_Localised?: string;
    StarSystem?: string;
    StationAllegiance?: string;
    StationEconomies?: {
        Name: string;
        Name_Localised?: string;
        Proportion: number;
    StationEconomy?: string;
    StationEconomy_Localised?: string;
    StationFaction?: { FactionState?: string; Name: string };
    StationGovernment?: string;
    StationGovernment_Localised?: string;
    StationName: string;
    StationServices?: StationService[];
    StationState?: string;
    StationType?: string;
    SystemAddress?: number;
    Taxi?: boolean;
    timestamp: string;
    Wanted?: boolean;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


ActiveFine?: boolean

True if any fine is active.

CockpitBreach?: boolean

True if landing with breached cockpit.

DistFromStarLS?: number
event: "Docked"

The type of event.

LandingPads?: { Large: number; Medium: number; Small: number }
MarketID?: number
Multicrew?: boolean
Security?: string
Security_Localised?: string
StarSystem?: string

The name of the start system.

StationAllegiance?: string
StationEconomies?: { Name: string; Name_Localised?: string; Proportion: number }[]

List of station economies.

StationEconomy?: string

The station's primary economy.

StationEconomy_Localised?: string
StationFaction?: { FactionState?: string; Name: string }

The station's controlling faction.

StationGovernment?: string
StationGovernment_Localised?: string
StationName: string

The name of the station.

StationServices?: StationService[]
StationState?: string
StationType?: string

The type of the station.

SystemAddress?: number
Taxi?: boolean
timestamp: string

The time in GMT, ISO 8601.

Wanted?: boolean

True if docking when wanted locally.