Interface Status

Some information about the current state of the game written every few seconds to the file 'Status.json' in the journal directory.

The latitude or longitude need to change by 0.02 degrees to trigger an update when flying, or by 0.0005 degrees when in the SRV.

interface Status {
    Altitude?: number;
    Balance?: number;
    BodyName?: string;
    Cargo?: number;
    Destination?: { Body: number; Name: string; System: number };
    event: "Status";
    FireGroup?: number;
    Flags: number;
    Flags2?: number;
    Fuel?: { FuelMain: number; FuelReservoir: number };
    Gravity?: number;
    GuiFocus?: number;
    Heading?: number;
    Health?: number;
    Latitude?: number;
    LegalState?: LegalState;
    Longitude?: number;
    Oxygen?: number;
    Pips?: [number, number, number];
    PlanetRadius?: number;
    SelectedWeapon?: string;
    SelectedWeapon_Localised?: string;
    Temperature?: number;
    timestamp: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


Altitude?: number

The altitude. Set when on or near a planet.

Balance?: number

The current credit balance.

BodyName?: string
Cargo?: number

Cargo mass in tons.

Destination?: { Body: number; Name: string; System: number }

The selected destination if any.

event: "Status"

The type of event.

FireGroup?: number

The currently selected firegroup number.

Flags: number

Multiple flags encoded as bits in an integer.

Flags2?: number

More flags, mainly for when on foot.

Fuel?: { FuelMain: number; FuelReservoir: number }

Fuel mass in tons.

Gravity?: number

The gravity relative to 1G. Only set when on foot.

GuiFocus?: number

The selected GUI screen.

Heading?: number

The current heading. Set when on or near a planet.

Health?: number

The health level (0.0 .. 1.0). Only set when on foot.

Latitude?: number

The latitude. Set when on or near a planet.

LegalState?: LegalState

The current legal state.

Longitude?: number

The longitude. Set when on or near a planet.

Oxygen?: number

The oxygen level (0.0 .. 1.0). Only set when on foot.

Pips?: [number, number, number]

An array of 3 integers (0-8) representing energy distribution (in half-pips)

PlanetRadius?: number

The planet radius. Set when on or near a planet.

SelectedWeapon?: string

The name of the selected weapon. Only set when on foot.

SelectedWeapon_Localised?: string
Temperature?: number

Temperature in Kelvin. Only set when on foot.

timestamp: string

The time in GMT, ISO 8601.