Interface ShipyardBuy

Verify by buying a new ship and selling the current one the same time.

interface ShipyardBuy {
    event: "ShipyardBuy";
    MarketID?: number;
    SellOldShip?: string;
    SellPrice?: number;
    SellShipID?: number;
    ShipPrice: number;
    ShipType: string;
    ShipType_Localised?: string;
    StoreOldShip?: string;
    StoreShipID?: number;
    timestamp: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


event: "ShipyardBuy"

The type of event.

MarketID?: number
SellOldShip?: string
SellPrice?: number
SellShipID?: number
ShipPrice: number
ShipType: string
ShipType_Localised?: string
StoreOldShip?: string
StoreShipID?: number
timestamp: string

The time in GMT, ISO 8601.