Written slightly later in startup after missions are initialized so cargo coming from an abandoned delivery mission can be detected.

The first Cargo event in the file will contain the full inventory.

A simple event (with no Inventory property) is written to the main journal file when the cargo file is updated.

interface Cargo {
    Count?: number;
    event: "Cargo";
    Inventory?: {
        Count: number;
        MissionID?: number;
        Name: string;
        Name_Localised?: string;
        Stolen?: number;
    timestamp: string;
    Vessel?: CargoVessel;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


Count?: number

The total number of items.

event: "Cargo"

The type of event.

Inventory?: {
    Count: number;
    MissionID?: number;
    Name: string;
    Name_Localised?: string;
    Stolen?: number;

Array of cargo. Not set when Cargo.json file was written instead.

Type declaration

  • Count: number

    The number of items.

  • OptionalMissionID?: number

    ID of the mission the item belongs to.

  • Name: string

    The item name.

  • OptionalName_Localised?: string

    Optional localized item name.

  • OptionalStolen?: number

    How many of the items are stolen.

timestamp: string

The time in GMT, ISO 8601.

Vessel?: CargoVessel

Ship or SRV