
With the unpackmasks program you can unpack the bit masks of the masks.wlf file into a directory.

The first parameter must be the name of the directory in which the bit masks should be unpacked. The program creates the directory automatically if it does not yet exist.

The second parameter specifies the filename of the masks.wlf file to read. If the parameter is missing or is "-" then the input is read from stdin.

The masks.wlf file does not contain any information about mask dimensions. So if the masks in the file are not the default 16x16 pixels then you have to use the width and height parameters to tell unpackmasks the real size of the masks.

If you are reading input from stdin then you must also specify the number of masks to read. The default is 10 masks.


unpackmasks [OPTION]... DIRECTORY [INPUT]


-W, --width    The width of the masks in the masks.wlf file (Default: 16)
-H, --height   The height of the masks in the masks.wlf file (Default: 16)
-q, --quantity The number of masks in the masks.wlf file (Default: 10)
-d, --debug    Shows stacktrace when an error occurs
-h, --help     Display help and exit
-V, --version  Display version and exit


The following command reads Wasteland's masks.wlf and writes each bit mask from it to a PNG file in the specified output directory:

unpackmasks c:\masks c:\wland\masks.wlf