
Packs a tileset directory into a allhtds file.

The first parameter must be the name of the directory which holds the tilesets. This directory must contain numbered subdirectories for each tileset starting with 000. Each tileset directory must contain tile images as PNGs. The names must be numbered starting with 000. For example: 000.png.

The easiest way to initialize a tileset directory is using unpackhtds to unpack the original tilesets from the game.

The second parameter specifies the filename of the HTDS file to write. If the parameter is missing or is "-" then the output is written to stdout.

Please note that you must run the fixwloffsets program after you have modified the tileset files of wasteland because the MSQ offsets in the allhtds files are now most likely different to the original offsets hardcoded in the wl.exe file.




-D, --disk     The disk index (0 for allhtds1 or 1 for allhtds2)
               Default is automatically determined by looking at the number
               of tilesets.
-d, --debug    Shows stacktrace when an error occurs
-h, --help     Display help and exit
-V, --version  Display version and exit


Let's assume you have unpacked the allhtds2 file into c:\tiles2 and you have modified the tiles 18.png and 71.png (which draws the nuke symbol on the roof of the Mushroom Cloud Temple) of tile set bank 2. To build a custom allhtds2 file with these changes just run these commands:

packhtds c:\tiles2 c:\wland\allhtds2
fixwloffsets c:\wland

When you now go to the temple you'll be shocked because the servants are following a new god now: