
Components are written in form of simple functions or in form of class components. Both are equal in functionality so use whatever coding style you prefer. The examples in this documentation concentrates on functions but the shown concepts always also work with classes.

Component names should always be upper-camelcase like Contact and ToggleButton because lower-case element names are reserved for normal HTML elements like div, span and all the others (also called intrinsic elements in the JSX world).

The most basic form of a component is a function without parameters which just returns static HTML:

export function HelloWorld() {
return <h1>Hello World<h1>;

Other components can now import this component and use it in their own template:

import { HelloWorld } from "./HelloWorld.js";

export function App() {
return <div><HelloWorld /></div>;

Properties are passed in as the first function argument (or first constructor argument when using classes) in form of a plain key/value object. When the component doesn't expect such an argument then the component does not allow any properties.

The following example shows the component Contact.tsx. It has two properties: firstName and lastName.

export function Contact(props: { firstName: string, lastName: string }) {
return <div class="contact">
<div>First name: {props.firstName}</span>
<div>last name: {props.lastName}</span>

It can be used in other components like this:

import { Contact } from "./Contact.js";

export function Contacts() {
return <div class="contacts">
<Contact firstName="Tricia" lastName="McMillan" />
<Contact firstName="Arthur" lastName="Dent" />

There are no limitations on component properties. Just treat them as you would treat a standard object type in TypeScript. Properties can be of any type and may also be optional. You can also use destructuring with default values and provide a properties interface to make the usage more pleasant:

interface UserProperties {
name: string;
id: number;
admin?: boolean;

function User({ name, id, admin = false }: UserProperties) {
return <li class="user">{name}#{id}{admin ? " (Admin)" : ""}</li>;

function Users() {
return <ul>
<User name="root" id={0} admin={true} />
<User name="arthur" id={1000} />

Component children are passed as children property to a component. If the component does not specify such a property then children are not allowed. So to use children you have to explicitly specify them like this:

function Bold(props: { children: JSX.Element }) {
return <b>{props.children}</b>;

In most cases you want to use JSX.Element as children type to pass through any supported type and any number of children.

For special use-cases the type can be narrowed down. Let's say you write a component which expects a list of numbers as children:


Note that JSX treats multiple children differently than a single child or no child at all. So you won't get an empty array, an array with one number or an array with multiple numbers. Instead you will get undefined when no child is specified, number when a single number is specified, and number[] when multiple numbers are given. Therefor an implementation accepting any number of values (even none) must be written like this:

function Numbers({ children }: { children?: number | number[] }) {