Class JSXElement<T>Abstract

Base class for JSX elements.

Type Parameters



scope: null | SignalScope = null

The component scope (which is at the same time also the signal scope, so we borrow the functionality from there).


  • Returns Node

  • Destroys the component scope and all its child scopes. Called when the connected HTML element has been removed from the DOM.

    Returns void

  • Renders this JSX element.

    Returns T | Promise<T>

    The created JSX element.

  • Renders this JSX element.

    Returns T | Promise<T>

    The created JSX element.

  • Renders this JSX element synchronously. Throws an error when it encounters a promise.

    Returns T

    The created JSX element.

  • Recursively resolves a child which can be one of the following types:

    • null or undefined. Is resolved into an empty text node.
    • An already resolved DOM node. Nothing needs to be resolved in this case.
    • A JSX element. The element is rendered into a HTML element.
    • A promise. A temporary empty text node is created and replaced with the real node later.
    • An observable. Initially a new empty node is created, the observable is subscribed and then the current node is replaced with the new one every time a new value has been emitted by the observable. Observing stops when the node is garbage-collected or the observable reports an error or completes.
    • A function. It is called (without parameters) and then the returned value is recursively resolved into a node.
    • Any other value. It is converted to a string and wrapped into a text node.


    • source: unknown

      The source to resolve.

    Returns Node

    The created node which can be inserted into the DOM.

  • Resolves a child from an observable. It creates an initial temporary empty text node which can be added to the DOM immediately. This node is replaced later with a real node when the observable emits its first value. And then on each new emitted value the current node is replaced again with a new node, until the observable is canceled by an error or completes. The observable is automatically unsubscribed when a new value is emitted but the node generated for the previous element has been garbage-collected.


    • source: Subscribable

      The observable to subscribe to.

    Returns Node

    Initial empty text node which is replaced with the first real node as soon as available and then updated every time a new value is emitted.

  • Resolves a child from a promise. It creates a temporary empty text node which can be added to the DOM immediately. Then the promise is resolved asynchronously to the real node which then replaces the temporary node.


    • source: Promise<unknown>

      The promise to resolve.

    Returns Node

    Temporary empty text node which is replaced with the real node as soon as available.

  • Runs the given function within the elements signal scope which is created when not already present.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • fn: () => T

      The function to run in the signal scope.

    Returns T

    The function result.