equalOptional function to compare signal values. Defaults to Object.is()
initialOptional initial value to set when observable does not emit a value synchronously on subscription.
requireIf set to true (default is false) and no initial value is specified and observable does not emit a value synchronously on subscription then an
exception is thrown. Otherwise the signal value type will include undefined
as valid value and the signal is initialized to value undefined
This setting is ignored if an initial value is set.
throttleOptional number of milliseconds to throttle change notifications or null if throttling is disabled (default). This only affects subscribed observers, it does not influence the synchronous retrieval of the signal value via Signal.get.
versionOptional initial signal value version. Defaults to 0. There is usually no need to set this. This option only exists to allow testing the version number wrap in unit tests.
Options for ObserverSignal.