What is Xadrian?
Xadrian is a factory complex calculator for the games
X³: Terran Conflict
X³: Albion Prelude.
With this tool you can plan your factory complexes before you build them
Notable features:
Knows all factories and sectors of a regular unmodified X3TC or X3AP game.
Also includes the X3TC bonus sector "Harmony Of Perpetuity".
- Optional automatic base complex calculation.
- Load, save and print your complexes.
- Sun power is configurable per complex.
Complex can be connected to a sector for automatic sun power
configuration and calculation of next ship yards where the factories
can be bought.
Easy creation of mines. Just add a mine type and then enter
as many asteroid yields as you want.
Export to plain text and export/import of complex template codes
for easy exchange of complex information via email or forum.
Cross-platform GUI application. Runs on any platform supporting
Java SE 6 or higher.
Native look-and-feel on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Theme
is configurable.
Open Source (MIT License)
(2013-05-28) Xadrian version 1.5.1 now properly supports the
new ice mines from X³: Albion Prelude 3.0.
The full list of changes can be found here.
If you like Xadrian, please consider making a small donation
to support my work on free software like this. Thank you!
If you have any problems with Xadrian or find bugs in the software or this
web site (even if it's just a typo) then please let me know by creating
an issue on GitHub.